Thursday 15 October 2009

Preston and Shropshire

Here we have Joan and Ken from Preston and Mary and Brian from Owestry, Shropshire. Although they didn't come on holiday together, they made friends here and we saw quite a bit of them over their stay. From what I hear, Brian actually had to be unchained from the hotel reception desk on the last day....."I don't want to go!!!", he was heard screaming as he was dragged out!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Huge wink there!)

By the way Mary, sorry you have your eyes closed in the photo but the others came out blurred.

Talk about laughs!

What a great bunch of girls these are! What a laugh they had here on their holiday and I reckon they made a lot of others laugh too with their infectious good humour! All the best you lot! Remember the email for here is to hear from you some time!

Fiona, Karen, Lyn and Teresa from Inverness.

Lyn by the's it all going? :)

Coventry says "byee".

Pat and Bob from Coventry. Just a smashing couple who were on their last day here. Had some nice chats with you two, would be nice to have some more next year!

Thursday 8 October 2009

Bangin' toasties....

Sam here reckons our toasties are bangin'! Lauren agreed and here they are having just eaten the last one with us...for this year anyway ;)

Jaws and company!

I nicknamed Thomas here ( in the grey Tshirt), "Jaws" on his first visit to us and it stuck, hehe.

The rest of you gang were smashing too and it would be fun to see you all again on another holiday.

Vicky, Guy, Dylan, Emma and Stacey.

Organised Chaos!

OMG, first time in the bar and these lads from Southampton left us this line of beer bottles in just three hours! What a bunch of nutters......can't wait to see 'em again next year for more organised chaos!!!!

Monday 28 September 2009

Sorry for the delays..

Sorry for the delays in posting the latest photos. I've had internet problems with my computer and haven't been able to get to the blog for a while...all solved now though :)
